Per-room wallpaper and floors!

Thanks for making the Port Forward launch earlier in June such a fun experience! Our next big milestone is the v0.9 "Secret Update" for later this year, but before then, we're going to be releasing a couple smaller bugfix and content patches, like this one, 0.8.11!

The big new change is per-room wallpaper and flooring in the player house. We know a bunch of folks have been asking for it so we're super happy to be able to support it now.

Another big thing we added isn't player-facing, but is kinda important: Backup save files. All it does is create a copy of your save file in a secondary folder (in Documents) each time you quit the game. We added this because we're hoping to turn cloud-synced saving back on at some point in the future but there's a chance that doing so could mess with some folks' save files, so we wanted a backup solution if things go wrong.

We also did some rebalancing of a few systems, like lowering the lore and related object spawn rates and increasing the ooblet level XP requirements. If you feel we overcorrected, please be sure to say so in the discord so we can get a feel for how to rebalance things in the future.

Here's everything we changed/fixed in this update:

  • Per-room wallpaper and flooring system
  • Backup save system
  • Normalized music volume in Mamoonia
  • Lowered rate of lore and other misc items showing up on new games
  • Improved UI for swooshler to indicate when you don't have a recipe
  • Update ooblet level XP requirements (they're higher now)
  • Replaced missing floor names
  • Fix for flipping oobnet switch too quickly in Nullwhere freeze
  • Fix for a null ooblet type reference