So it turns out I’m not very good at writing devlogs. It’s been far too long! I’ve gotten way more done since the last devlog than could fit in a single reasonable writeup. We’re talking tons of new characters, new moblets, new buildings, new systems, new everything!
The reason there’s been so much progress but a lot fewer things posted to Twitter/Tumblr/Cartrdge is that making and posting gifs and screenshots is super time consuming and I’ve been rushing to get a playable build ready for November.
A playable build is a bit different than an alpha as it’s more of a proof of concept than anything you’d want anyone testing or giving specific feedback on. Up until now, the game has existed as a series of disconnected demo scenes for various mechanics and assets, and the playable build will start to tie everything together into something more resembling a game.
So here’s what’s new:
- Inventory and hotbar system
- Combat system
Entering/exiting buildings
Wild moblets system
- Dialogue system
- 8 new characters, like Arah:
- 7 new moblets (some designed by the amazing Danette Beatty!)
- 7 new buildings, like this barn:
- 1 new region
- Seed shop interior
A bunch of new plants, trees, and other environment assets
Moved from Mailchimp to Constant Contact because the mailing list got too big for their free tier (and we have no money)!
Made a new temporary logo that I’ll probably replace
Redesigned the website but it still needs a lot of work
We got covered by Killscreen and Automaton!
Now what?
If you’d like to hear more about Moblets and follow along with its development, please follow me on Twitter and/or on Tumblr and join the mailing list at the top of the page!